Bear Creek BLOG

A New Retreat is Coming!
Bear Creek Ranch Bear Creek Ranch

A New Retreat is Coming!

We’ve all been propelled on this journey toward wholeness as we find less of us and more of Him. More of Jesus is our lives. After Deliverance and King Camp, there is something special coming… a new retreat called Gathering of Kings.

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Webinar: Indoor Demons
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Webinar: Indoor Demons

So you've been through deliverance and your biological house is clean, but you, having been a carrier, have been living in a shack with not just other people, but unclean entities as well. Now it's time to clean that house.

In this webinar Tim Mather will explore the simple process of taking authority over this next level of your domain.

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Who Needs Deliverance?
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Who Needs Deliverance?

A question we are often asked is, “Who needs deliverance?” The answer is: Everyone! Everyone who comes into the Kingdom of God. That’s why Jesus made it the centerpiece of his mission statement in Luke 4:18-19.

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Indoor Demons
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Indoor Demons

One of the basic spiritual warfare tactics necessary for living in liberty is to maintain a clean house, spiritually as well as physically. When friends or family come over, they bring dirt and demons. You don’t make value judgments about the dirt they track in or the lint that falls off onto your clean carpet, you just take out your Dirt Devil and vacuum it up. In this blog post, Tim teaches all of us how to "clean" our houses of unwanted visitors.

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Ranch Redemption Project
Bear Creek Ranch Bear Creek Ranch

Ranch Redemption Project

The vision of the physical “Ranch” goes deeper than just a room or a building. It’s about a home. The Lord’s vision of family-style ministry permeates the entirety of Bear Creek Ranch. We spent many years on the road bringing deliverance to different cities across the nation, but the Lord kept dripping His vision of a physical space for people to come receive ministry, be nested in His presence, and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of the country.

We need your help to finish the projects and bring the retreats back to The Ranch. Donate to The Ranch Redemption Project today.

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Confessions of a Chicken
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Confessions of a Chicken

You laugh, but the life of a chicken is ghastly. Imagine pushing out something the size of your head, every day of your life! You think your life is stressful? Consider the psychological implications of having huge wings that aren’t even strong enough to get you off the ground.

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Tip #326: “How About Them Yankees?”
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Tip #326: “How About Them Yankees?”

I wonder if you’ve observed the same thing as I: Christians – as a species – are really thin-skinned. Perhaps it’s because we were so victimized by darkness in our previous incarnation and the wounds have never healed; or maybe it’s just because we’re trained to be reactionaries, always obliged to “defend the faith.”

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Spiritual Welfare State
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Spiritual Welfare State

It often surprises me how needy we church people are. So, here is a rant for you to critique. Why is it the norm in the church structure that everyone must always be a subservient student sitting at the feet of the pastor-daddy or the teacher-mommy? When are we allowed to grow up and not have to sit through sermon after sermon, the substance of which we have heard a million times already?

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The Secrets Behind Dysfunctional Families
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

The Secrets Behind Dysfunctional Families

God’s original plan for families is that parents would have a close relationship with Him so that they would naturally reflect God’s nature to their children. As children would see the nature of God in their parents, this would create a healthy, nurturing environment for all family members.

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Paradigm Vertigo
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Paradigm Vertigo

In the pursuit of upside-down thinking – standing on my head trying to focus my spiritual sight enough to actually grasp Kingdom principles – I’m experiencing a sense of vertigo. Everything I know, based upon the fifty-some-odd years of right-side up thinking, is now suspect; it’s all so temporal and worldly that the effort to seize the real deal of Kingdom thinking becomes both terribly alien and disconcerting.

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Life Outside The Institution
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

Life Outside The Institution

After my deliverance I could see all the spiritual abuse in the shaming, rather than teaching on the good news of the Kingdom and how we could walk in Kingdom power. If you find people whose “minds aren’t warped,” let me know because that is a rarity.

It is good to find a community of people with which to have relationship and encouragement, but that is a difficult order to fill.

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Ubiquitous Demonization
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Ubiquitous Demonization

A question we are often asked is, “Who needs deliverance?” The answer is: Everyone! Everyone who comes into the Kingdom of God. That’s why Jesus made it the centerpiece of his mission statement in Luke 4:18-19.

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Kingdom Anger Management - Part 2
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

Kingdom Anger Management - Part 2

With emotional wounding what do we usually do?

Consistent with our human nature, we seek out what we perceive to be the source of our pain. It may be the person yelling to our face hurtful words or it can be the person ahead of us in traffic who is blissfully unaware that they are driving to slow for our liking. Either way, we perceive they are the threat to our greatest emotional need for unconditional love and acceptance.

But are they the actual threat?

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Fat Fantasies
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Fat Fantasies

Fat is relative. Spiritually speaking, it is the buildup of hurts, abuses, ignorance, and ridiculous doctrines making the Saints so sluggish and unhealthy that our lives are relegated to just making it through the next week until we can assuage our consciences in the confessionals of whatever religious system we choose.

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No More Derek Jeter
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

No More Derek Jeter

The kingdoms of this world are smitten with celebrity. Whether it’s sports figures or actors or maybe even politicians (there comes the puke), we love them in all their natural charm and gifts. In fact, we often live vicariously through their accomplishments and calamities. When some famous person passes on, people weep and mourn as if they actually had a relationship with them.

But here’s a thought: Don’t we live in the upside-down Kingdom, the Kingdom of God? In this Kingdom there is only one celebrity and He sits on the throne above all things, the King of the Universe, the Living God, the Ancient of Days, and He shares His glory with no one.

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Deliverance Is Messy
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

Deliverance Is Messy

Deliverance creates chaos in the church. Why? In our 30 plus years of deliverance ministry we have seen pastors fear and avoid deliverance. Pastors spend much of their ministry focus and time on trying to keep the ship/church from rocking and keeping its course.

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Squishy Little Saints
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Squishy Little Saints

Sheep. No, lambs. That’s what we really are. Unhealthy, powerless, squishy little lambs unable or unwilling to make decisions without the Sheriff Sheep who pretends to provide a pastoral covering of spiritual authority over us.


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Love With My Whole Heart
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

Love With My Whole Heart

February is usually the month that we think of decorating with hearts and sending Valentines to those we love. Have you ever said or thought, “I love you with my whole heart!”

With Christianity we are told, “In order to be saved, ask Jesus to come into your heart.” The problem with that statement is that it is not particularly biblical. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention coming into a person’s heart, nor is there any gospel presentation that uses the image of Jesus coming into a person’s heart.

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Stuff I Do Believe In: FELLOWHSIP
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Stuff I Do Believe In: FELLOWHSIP

In the journey out of the institutional church structure – and the recovery from its effects – I have discovered a few things that I’d like to run past you. The biggest thing is the realization that my focus has always been askew. We are schooled in the art of “church” by those who have come before us. They, in turn, know what they know as a result of the study of those who came before them. So, here is my question: What if those we revere as “church fathers” were off in their theology or doctrine one half of one degree?

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